Thursday, August 29, 2013


...highlight from commemorative day 50 years post Martin Luther King's infamous 'I Have A Dream' speech.  Dr. King's daughter Bernice King follows a close second in her own celebratory speech, for which I've given the title, 'Let Freedom Ring.'

Video Credit:ABCnews | Wed., 08/28/13 

"...Say no the chaos and yes to community.  If we're going to rid ourselves of chaos
then we must make the necessary shift ... achieve new attitudes and new mental outlooks ...
be relentless in exposing, confronting and ridding ourselves
of the mindset of pride, greed, selfishness, hate,
lust, fear, idleness ...  [and]
lack of purpose and lack of love for our neighbor." 
--Bernice King
A young Bernice at her infamous
Dad's funeral


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Sunday, August 18, 2013

CHAOS "The Science of how things change"

"...From the flapping of a butterfly's wings to the dripping of a leaky faucet, chaos theory draws a wealth of unordinary insight from the most ordinary of occurrences."

Chaos - DVD audio book course

* How can something called chaos theory help you
          understand an orderly world?
* What practical things might it be good for?
* What, in fact, is chaos theory?

Chaos theory describes the behavior of any system whose state evolves over time and whose behavior is sensitive to small changes in its initial conditions.  You have already encountered chaos theory before, although you might not have recognized it at the time.

Chaos theory affects nearly every field of human knowledge and endeavor, from astronomy and zoology to the arts, the humanities, and business.  In 24-lectures of Chaos, Dr. Steven Strogatz, Director of the Center for Applied Mathematics at Cornell University will take you to the heart of chaos theory as it is understood today.  It can help analysts understand price fluctuations in the stock market, ensure a smooth flow of data traffic on the Internet, and show insurance companies how to manage the risks of natural catastrophes.

Read moreChaos - DVD audio book course 
                    Chaos - Digital Video book course

Professor Strogatz, an award-winning Ivy League professor and a scientist has been described by Nature magazine as "one of the most creative bio-mathematicians of the past few decades.

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