Friday, September 13, 2013

Learn, live, love, ascend, breakthrough | GAZELLA

...from a ramblin' rose
somewhere in The Sunshine State, USA

Have you met G A Z E L L A--

G A Z E L L A  | Beauty + Grace + Gentleness a holistic website created for your empowerment and intellectual discovery via on-demand live events by luminaries you all know; living simply, green, yet refined; the arts and humanities; guest articles by holistic thinkers; excursions for the 'armchair' traveler;  resources for families and creatives-- writers, musicians, filmmakers, etc.; connections to charities ... and so much more! 

"Learn, live, love, ascend, breakthrough.
The Universe is waiting for you!"  --Debra J. Gordon


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

H.O.P.E. You're Nearing Your Mountain Top

from a ramblin' rose
somewhere in "The Sunshine State," USA

My dear kindreds:

"...Look good + speak good + do good!"

Hope this post finds you happy, healthy and well.  For my holistic followers what's new with you?  What update(s) have you for the GAZELLA community to know about?  I'm always tweaking stuff, trying to keep GAZELLA fresh and interesting.  Use the 'CONTACT' form on website and send me your promos--  anytime.

Here are three quick updates to
GAZELLA  | Beauty + Grace + Gentleness  First up--

~Rx for Brown Skin has a dynamic sale going on, offering free samples with purchase.  Sista' soldiers take note!  This would be an excellent time to try the line especially for women who have yet to experience the benefits of these luxurious skin care products.  Be sure to see the amazing before and after photos of real women (not models); millions of women already know how well Rx for Brown Skin works!

Rx For Brown Skin - Created by a Woman of Color, for Women of Color
Celebrity spokesperson Vivica Fox
Rx for Brown Skin
~ Our world
is traversing in uncertain and troubling times friends.  And one of the things I believe is causing much of our great divide is poor communication.  Period.  Given your advocacy work  I know you know-- how essential clear and genuine communication must be to foster meaningful results.  And this is why I'm recommending to professionals like yourself, info about "How Conversation Works: 6 Lessons for Better Communication."
"Conversations..." is a Six-Part eCourse that you can order on DVD, download instantly and watch from your PC, or my favorite-- the CD version-- which can be listened to while driving or working from home.  I was just reviewing the course description for Part 6 which covers 'How to Maintain Relations with Talk'  and I had a quick, laugh out loud flashback of my piano teacher Mrs. Thomas grilling me to make 'sure' I'd practiced my scales over the weekend.  Her 'eyes' were really doing the talking, not her words and you can best believe that I certainly didn't fail to practice my piano scales. 

If you believe your business or advocacy could be improved by learning new ways to communicate, please watch a course preview here.
How Conversation Works: 6 Lessons for Better Communication is now on sale for a limited time.


~ God and religion can be two hot topics when people with varying viewpoints get in the same room.  Let that difference be a drastic one and a mini-war may ensue, right?  Last night, I added content from luminaries Caroline Myss and Marianne Williamson, who's work in the world suggests very unique and profound reasonings behind why we've become the way we have and more importantly, solutions to bridge this great divide.

And so, I wanted to call your attention to these two new titles by Caroline and Marianne respectively:

Entering the Castel: Exploring Your Mystical Experience of God; and
The Age of Miracles: Embracing the new Midlife.
Simply said, both 'teachings' will reaffirm that you're on the right track and will also hope to serve and nurture the part on the inside of you that can connect and dialogue with the unseen.  

I'll tell ya' friends, I don't know how our world leaders get a good night's sleep anymore!  I pray for their strength and endurance daily.  I don't know where you are with your walk with God or even if you have a God but I do feel that because you advocate for others, your Spirit may be unsettled at this time due to the discourse in our World.  I know the discourse is unsettling for me.

I didn't intend on this 'post' becoming so long winded.  We've gone from looking good, to speaking good, and doing good.  I'd be remiss if I kept this 'in-house.'  We truly are in a time of miracles and mystical experiences.
Hope you're nearing your mountain top dear one.  Please feel free to forward this or share with your social networks, should you desire.  ~djg 

G A Z E L L A  | Beauty + Grace + Gentleness a holistic site created for your intellectual discovery via on-demand live events;  living simply yet refined; the arts and humanities; excursions for the 'armchair' traveler;  resources for families and creatives-- writers, musicians, filmmakers, etc.; your empowerment and so much more!   View website here. _________________________

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Thursday, September 05, 2013

Silver Linings and Dark Clouds?

UPDATE | 1:23pmEST, Thur., 10/17/13--
Please see addendum below and shown in
'THIS' colour for clarification.  Thank you.

They say there's a silver lining in every dark cloud, right?

Well I kid you not-- and, not that it was a dark cloud on an equally dark and stormy night-- but a couple of days ago, I received word from my email list management company, that 22 people in my network indicated in one way or the other that the email I'd recently sent  [to them] was reported as spam.  Yeah, I know-- long sentence. 

Turns out by industry standards, my magic number of 22 spam complaints, far exceeded the "acceptable threshold number" of ONE per 1,000 emails-- esp., given the fact that my list size was less than 650.  Thus, my account went into a "review" and ultimately, this was good (my silver lining). But then again, I've been dealing with a hacker for several years (long story) and in the back of my mind, I just would not be surprised if somehow this very looming and unresolved circumstance was the culprit. 

But back to that silver lining. 

Knowledge is power and since you and I have been connected on several social sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Tumblr,  Twitter, Google+) for so long,  the reason I'm writing you today is two fold.  Caveats in user 'terms 'n agreements' and because I need your help.  First up-- 

#1-  Caveats in those "Terms and Agreements" -  because many of you are business owners  or engage in dialogue with others having great impact on your day-to-day relationship governance, I thought I'd share the following insight gleaned from the subsequent account review. 

-- The email addresses of the 'connections' we develop in LinkedIn and Facebook personal pages or business pages (e.g., social networking platforms) are 'owned' by the provider and CAN NOT BE USED for soliciting and/or converting into a sale transaction unless one thing happens. 

-- The 'export' feature can not be used to shepherd a 'list' from which you solicit. 

-- Even if an alternate email is provided in a user's public profile under 'About Me/Contact,' that info still is owned by the social site.

The above information was told to me by the account reviewer at the company who manages my list thereby ensuring compliance and legal standards are met by all parties.

HOWEVER, this 'spam issue' is an easy fix and here's the one thing that must happen so that you may freely use the email address for business development OUTSIDE of a specific social networking site (from an individual you've met and connected with on said site). 

You must provide an email sign-up form so that the legal definition of an OPT-IN agreement is satisfied.  Once that person becomes a 'subscriber' a new relationship has begun and the fact that you 'met' on a social site has no bearing on the newly created relationship. (P.S. A few of my connections are attorneys, paralegals or work in the legal field.  Check me on this and weigh in with a reply-to-all if you desire.)

As such, this is why you see so many 'fan pages' with JOIN MY MAIL LIST links, which serves to ensure a permission based agreement between the two of you.  Somewhere buried deep in the terms and agreements you'll find this condition-- but who really reads beyond the 16,000th word in the terms and usage agreements for a social site anyway?  I wanted you to know this caveat and hope this insight has been of help.  Additionally, you have my permission to forward this to a colleague who might care to know.  Finally--

#2- Until I can edit my spreadsheet, I'm in" jail" friends (name of email mgm't company withheld) .  My crime?  I used the 'export' key to pull together and merge my email recipients list.  My punishment?  Go through my spreadsheet of contacts line by line (over 1,000 people!!!) and separate the good from the bad and the ugly emails (smile).  I'm trying to keep a light heart here. 

Do you know how longgg that will take? 

ADDENDUM as highlighted at the top of this post.  I have ceased the relationship with said email list management service; therefore, it is not necessary for your support in the email re-capture help.   Please skip and continue reading below the ( ========).

I'm therefore asking for your help.  Will you please opt-in for my email updates using the form below, thereby making our 'connection' official?  Then perhaps I can get out of "jail" because orange is not my color and especially in the form of a jumpsuit! 

Email Newsletter icon, E-mail Newsletter icon, Email List icon, E-mail List icon Get Email Updates!


G A Z E L L A  | Beauty + Grace + Gentleness a holistic site created for your intellectual discovery via on-demand live events;  living simply yet refined; the arts and humanities; excursions for the 'armchair' traveler;  resources for families and creatives-- writers, musicians, filmmakers, etc.; your empowerment and so much more! 

For persons committed to excellence and truth, I am looking forward to our continued dialogue and meaningful engagement so that collectively, we may move the World forward in a positive way.  Happy weekend to you!  [VIEW WEBSITE]

~Debra (djgTheMediaLady)